I decided to make this into a tutorial because I also host a monthly craft group & this very well may be out next months project!! So, here goes- my first tutorial. {At least I know my sister will proof read this for me & call right away with any errors. She'll be such a great teacher!!}
Have your adorable husband cut a board to length and route the edges out nice and fancy {I can totally do this myself, but he doesn't like me playing with his tools} .

Paint your base color in a fast drying acrylic paint. This is the color that will show through the cracks.

Paint the top with a crackle medium. I use DecoArt Weathered Wood. Let it dry.

Paint the top coat over the crackle medium. Use a lighter color than your base so that you have a nice contrast.

Print out your template and trace the last name with an exacto knife on clear contact paper.

Gently tear back the contact paper and center it onto your board. Use a brayer to make sure no paint bleeds through.

Use another color paint that is darker than your top coat {I used a water-based walnut stain}and rub over the contact paper with a paper towel. If this coat is too dark, your other words over it will not show up well. This happened to me, and I watered down some ivory paint and brushed it over the whole thing to dull out the name.

Lay down carbon paper and gently trace your wording.
Using a very small brush, fill in your wording in a dark color.

STEP 10:
Mix a dark brown acrylic paint with some glaze {I use Behr Faux Glaze} and rub it over top of the whole board. I try to concentrate on the edges and corners more. If you get too much in the center, just wet a towel and gently rub it off.

STEP 11:
After it is all completely dry, use a spray polyurethane to protect your artwork.
STEP 12:
Sign your art!!! Be proud of what you created!!
That's all for today- heading to sleep now :)
at tutorial!! thanks soo much!! I hope you have a fantastic day!! hugs!!! Britt :-)
I meant to write great tutorial! lol :-)
I really love the look of those Wedding Programs! Would you be able to post a picture of what they say, or a similar template that I could use?
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